Kristina Tocce, MD
Visiting Associate Clinical Professor, OB-GYN

Featured Provider Photo

Gender: Female
Languages: English
Department, Section/Division: OB-GYN

Practice Locations

UCHealth Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion - Anschutz Medical Campus
1635 Aurora Ct
Aurora, CO 80045
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Hospital Affiliation
  • University of Colorado Hospital

Specialty Information

  • Obstetrics and Gynecology, Board Certification (2006)
Conditions & Treatments
  • Pregnancy and Reproduction
  • Women's Health
Clinical Interest for Patients
Dr. Tocce is able to treat patients that have general obstetric and gynecologic issues, provide patients with annual exams, contraception counseling and care during future pregnancies.

Care Philosophy
Dr. Tocce never assumes anything based on someone’s report or referral, creating an environment where the patient is comfortable to discuss any topic that she needs help with.

Information for Referring Providers

Clinical Interests for Referring Providers
Dr. Tocce’s research interests include adolescent contraception, family planning care and medical student education.

Clinic Phone: (720) 848-1060

CV cv-Kristina M. Tocce.pdf