Kathy Love-Osborne, MD
Associate Professor, Pediatrics-Adolescent Medicine

Featured Provider Photo

Gender: Female
Languages: English
Department, Section/Division: Pediatrics-Adolescent Medicine

Practice Locations

Denver Health
777 Bannock St
Denver, CO 80204
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Hospital Affiliation
  • Denver Health Medical Center

Specialty Information

  • Pediatrics - Adolescent Medicine, Board Certification (1999,2018)
  • Pediatrics, Board Certification (1994,2018)
Conditions & Treatments
  • Child and Teen Health
  • Juvenile Diabetes
  • Teen Health
  • Food, Nutrition and Metabolism
  • Obesity
  • Primary Care
  • Women's Health
  • Women's Health - Adolescent Reproductive Health - Adolescent Gynecology
Clinical Interest for Patients
My clinical interests include general health of adolescents, including management of weight problems, contraception and menstrual problems. I am also experienced in care of transgender youth.

Care Philosophy
I believe that teenagers have the power to improve their health and encourage them to strive to set goals for themselves to take good care of their bodies.

Personal Interests
In my free time, I enjoy skiing, hiking, singing, cooking, and spending time with my family and pets.

Volunteer Activities
I have participated as a team manager for Destination Imagination for four years. This year, I coordinated setting up DI teams at both of my children's DPS schools. I also sing in a local group (Last Note Singers) that performs in various community settings, including nursing and retirement homes, the zoo and the botanical gardens.

Public Speaking
I am interested in speaking on topics of adolescent family planning and adolescent obesity and type 2 diabetes

Information for Referring Providers

Clinical Interests for Referring Providers
I am an adolescent medicine provider with expertise in adolescent obesity and medical complications of obesity such as type 2 diabetes, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, polycystic ovarian syndrome. I am also experienced in adolescent family planning and gynecology, and am a champion at Denver Health for care of transgender youth.

Research Interest for Referring Providers
My research has been in the areas of adolescent obesity and co-morbidities of obesity, specifically type 2 diabetes. My current research focus is related to transgender youth and prevention of poor mental health outcomes.
Clinic Phone: (303) 436-4600