Carina Venter, PhD, RD
Professor, Pediatrics-Allergy/Immunology

Featured Provider Photo

Gender: Female
Languages: English, Afrikaans
Department, Section/Division: Pediatrics-Allergy/Immunology

Practice Locations

Care Philosophy
I have focused my research and clinical practice over the past 20 years on the prevention, diagnosis and management of food allergies and other allergic diseases. My research examines how nutrition and other modifiable factors contribute to the development of allergic diseases. I use observational studies to identify risk facts, focusing on epigenetical changes and the the role of the microbiome in the development of allergic disaesss. Clincally, I enjoy supporting families to induce minimal food restrictions despite their child's food allergies and incorporate nutritional strategies to induce tolerance.

Personal Interests
I love living in Denver, spending time with my family and my job.

Public Speaking
I speak at about 20 international conference per year covering all aspect of allergy prevention, diagnosis and management of food allergy.

Information for Referring Providers

Clinic Phone: (720) 777-2922

CV CV CU website.doc